Tracy L. Allen is a full-time mediator, arbitrator and Alternative Dispute Resolution professor. As a former business, tax, real estate and estate planning attorney, she specializes in national and international mediation and arbitration, the strategic management and design of corporate and cultural conflict resolution processes, and ADR training. She writes and teaches extensively throughout the world. She is a Distinguished Professor of Conflict Management at Lipscomb University and serves as an adjunct professor to the Pepperdine School of Law Straus Institute. Ms. Allen serves on the roster of several national and international dispute resolution organizations. She served on the Michigan Supreme Court ADR Task Force which designed and implemented guidelines for court ADR plans and training (online and in person) of mediators in Michigan. She served as co-chair of the Mediation Committee of the ABA Dispute Resolution Section and is a Distinguished Fellow, Dame and past president of the International Academy of Mediators. She is a graduate of the University of Michigan (BA) and Wayne State University Law School (JD, LLM Taxation).