Paul Caron was named Duane and Kelly Roberts Dean of Pepperdine University Caruso
School of Law on June 1, 2017. He explains his vision for Pepperdine and what drew
him to the deanship at
Dean Caron joined the Pepperdine faculty in 2013 after serving as the D & L Straus
Distinguished Visiting Professor in the spring semesters in 2010-2013. He served as
Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development at Pepperdine in 2015-2017). He
previously was Associate Dean of Faculty and Charles Hartsock Professor of Law at
the University of Cincinnati College of Law.
Dean Caron is one of the leading entrepreneurial tax scholars in the country. He has
written over 50 books and law review articles, including most recently Federal Wealth
Transfer Taxation (Foundation Press, 7th ed. 2015) (with Paul McDaniel & Jim Repetti);
The One Hundredth Anniversary of the Federal Estate Tax: It's Time to Renew Our Vows,
57 B.C. L. Rev. 823 (2016); Tax Regulation, Transportation Innovation, and the Sharing
Economy, 82 U. Chi. L. Rev. Dialogue 69 (2015) (with Jordan Barry); Thomas Piketty
and Inequality: Legal Causes and Tax Solutions, 64 Emory L.J. Online 2073 (2015);
and California Dreamin': Tax Scholarship in a Time of Fiscal Crisis, 48 U.C. Davis
L. Rev. 405 (2014) (with Joseph Bankman). Dean Caron serves as Series Editor for two
publishers in developing over 50 books for use by law students: the Law Stories Series
of books published by Foundation Press; and the Graduate Tax Series of books published
by LexisNexis for use in Tax LLM programs. He is the editor of three tax journals
published by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). In addition, Dean Caron is
the Publisher and Editor of Tax Prof Blog, the most popular tax blog on the Internet;
and the Owner and Publisher of the Law Professor Blogs Network of more than 50 blogs
in other areas of law edited by law professors around the country. He was named the
third most influential person in legal education by The National Jurist in 2015, and
one of the 100 most influential people in tax and accounting every year since 2006
by Accounting Today. He has served as a visiting professor at the University of Florida
College of Law, Florida State University College of Law, New York University/IRS Office
of Chief Counsel Continuing Professional Education Program, and University of San
Diego School of Law.
- LL.M., Boston University, 1988
- J.D., Cornell Law School, 1983, cum laude
- A.B., Georgetown University, 1979, magna cum laude
- Paul L. Caron & Jay A. Soled, New Prominence of Tax Basis in Estate Planning, 150
TAX NOTES 1569 (2016). SSRN
- Paul L. Caron, The One Hundredth Anniversary of the Federal Estate Tax: It's Time
to Renew Our Vows, 57 B.C. L. REV. 823 (2016). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron, Thomas Piketty and Inequality: Legal Causes and Tax Solutions, 64 EMORY
L.J. ONLINE 2073 (2015). SSRN
- Paul L. Caron & Jordan Barry, Tax Regulation, Transportation Innovation, and the Sharing
Economy, 82 U. CHI. L. REV. DIALOGUE 69 (2015). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron & James Repetti, Revitalizing the Estate Tax: Five Easy Pieces, 142
TAX NOTES 1231 (2014). SSRN
- Paul L. Caron, Tax Reform in a Time of Crisis, 142 TAX NOTES 1106 (2014). SSRN
- Paul L. Caron & Joseph Bankman, California Dreamin': Tax Scholarship in a Time of
Fiscal Crisis, 48 U.C. DAVIS L. REV. 405 (2014). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron, Jay Soled, Charles Davenport & Richard Smalbeck, Rethinking the Penalty
for the Failure to File Gift Tax Returns, 141 TAX NOTES 757 (2014). SSRN
- Paul L. Caron, Tax Advice for the Second Obama Administration, 40 PEPP. L. REV. 1143
(2013). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron & James R. Repetti, Occupy the Tax Code: Using the Estate Tax to Reduce
Inequality and Spur Economic Growth, 40 PEPP. L. REV. 1255 (2013). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron, Tax Strategy Patents, 3 COLUM. J. TAX L. TAX MATTERS 1 (2012).
- Paul L. Caron, TePoel Lecture: The Cost of Estate Tax Dithering, 43 CREIGHTON L. REV.
637 (2010). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron & James Repetti, The Estate Tax Non-Gap: Why Repeal a 'Voluntary' Tax?,
20 STAN. L. & POL'Y REV. 153 (2009). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron, Are Scholars Better Bloggers? Bloggership: How Blogs are Transforming
Legal Scholarship, 84 WASH. U. L. REV. 1025 (2006). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron, The Long Tail of Legal Scholarship, 116 YALE L. J. POCKET PART 38 (2006). SSRN
- Paul L. Caron & Rafael Gely, Dead Poets and Academic Progenitors: The Next Generation
of Law School Rankings, 81 IND. L. J. 1. (2006). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron & Bernard Black, Ranking Law Schools: Using SSRN to Measure Scholarly
Performance, 81 IND. L. J. 83 (2006). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron, The Top Ten Tax Stories of 2005, 110 TAX NOTES 169 (2006).
- Paul L. Caron, Tax Profs Remember Boris Bittker, 109 TAX NOTES 119 (2005).
- Paul L. Caron & Rafael Gely, What Law Schools Can Learn from Billy Beane and the Oakland
Athletics, 82 TEX. L. REV. 1483 (2004). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron & Rafael Gely, Affirmative Refraction: Grutter v. Bollinger Through
the Lens of the Case of the Speluncean Explorers, 21 CONST. COMMENT. 65 (2004). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron & Rafael Gely, Taking Back the Law School Classroom: Using Technology
to Foster Active Student Learning, 54 J. LEGAL EDUC. 551 (2004). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron, Back to the Future: Teaching Law Through Stories, 71 U. CIN. L. REV.
405 (2002). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron, The Federal Tax Implications of Bush v. Gore, 79 WASH. U. L. Q. 749
(2001). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron & Joseph Tomain, The Associate Dean for Faculty Research Position: Encouraging
and Promoting Scholarship, 33 U. TOL. L. REV. 233 (2001). SSRNHeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron, Tax Court Fumbles Substance-Over-Form Ball in Estate of Brown, 75 TAX
NOTES 1240 (1997). SSRN
- Paul L. Caron, Confusion Reigns over State Law and Administration Expenses, 74 TAX
NOTES 1314 (1997).
- Paul L. Caron, Tax Myopia Meets Tax Hyperopia: The Unproven Case of Increased Judicial
Deference to Revenue Rulings, 57 OHIO ST. L. J. 637 (1996). HeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron, Tax Court and Service Stake Out Positions in State Law Debate, 71 TAX
NOTES 229 (1996).
- Paul L. Caron, Ten Estate Planning Advantages of Limited Liability Companies, 70 TAX
NOTES 998 (1996). SSRN
- Paul L. Caron, Chief Justice Burger: A Better Tax Lawyer Than His Critics, 69 TAX
NOTES 1020 (1995). SSRN
- Paul L. Caron, When Does Life Begin for Tax Purposes?, 68 TAX NOTES 320 (1995). SSRN
- Paul L. Caron, Estate Planning Implications of the Right of Publicity, 68 TAX NOTES
95 (1995). SSRN
- Paul L. Caron, Section 2036 Ruling May Force Bengals Out of Cincinnati, 67 TAX NOTES
1504 (1995). SSRN
- Paul L. Caron, Estate and Gift Tax Problems of Principals and Agents Under Durable
Powers of Attorney, 66 TAX NOTES 1009 (1995). SSRN
- Paul L. Caron, Court Rejects Application of Dickman to Foregone Dividends, 66 TAX
NOTES 552 (1995).
- Paul L. Caron, Taxing Opportunity, 14 VA. TAX. REV. 347 (1994). HeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron, Tax Myopia, or Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Tax Lawyers,
13 VA. TAX REV. 517 (1994). SSRN HeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron, Bosch and the Allure of Adversariness, 64 TAX NOTES 673 (1994).
- Paul L. Caron, The Federal Courts of Appeals' Use of State Court Decisions in Tax
Cases: "Proper Regard" Means "No Regard", 46 OKLA. L. REV. 443 (1993). HeinOnline
- Paul L. Caron, The Lurking Retroactivity Issues in Irvine, 61 TAX NOTES 1109 (1993).
- Paul L. Caron, The Role of State Court Decisions in Federal Tax Litigation: Bosch,
Erie & Beyond, 71 OR. L. REV. 781 (1992). HeinOnline
Forthcoming Books
- Paul L. Caron, Michael Graetz & Deborah Schenk, FEDERAL INCOME TAXATION: PRINCIPLES
AND POLICIES (Foundation Press, 8th ed., forthcoming).
- Paul L. Caron, Jennifer Kowal, Katherine Pratt & Ted Seto, PURSUING A TAX LL.M. DEGREE:
WHY? WHEN? WHERE? (ABA Press, forthcoming).
- Paul L. Caron, Paul McDaniel & James Repetti, FEDERAL WEALTH TRANSFER TAXATION (Foundation
Press, 7th ed. 2015).
- Paul L. Caron, TAX STORIES (Foundation Press, 2d ed. 2009). WorldCat
- Paul L. Caron, Paul McDaniel & James Repetti, FEDERAL WEALTH TRANSFER TAXATION: CASES
AND MATERIALS (Foundation Press, 6th ed. 2009). WorldCat
- Paul L. Caron, Paul McDaniel & James Repetti, FEDERAL WEALTH TRANSFER TAX: CASES AND
MATERIALS (Foundation Press, 5th ed. 2003). WorldCat
- Paul L. Caron, Paul McDaniel & James Repetti, FEDERAL WEALTH TRANSFER TAXATION: CASES
AND MATERIALS (Foundation Press, 4th ed. 1999). WorldCat
- Paul L. Caron, Grayson McCouch & Karen Burke, FEDERAL WEALTH TRANSFER TAX ANTHOLOGY
(LexisNexis, 1998). WorldCat
- Paul L. Caron, Karen Burke & Grayson McCouch, FEDERAL INCOME TAX ANTHOLOGY (LexisNexis,
1997). WorldCat
Book Chapters
- Paul L. Caron, The Story of Murphy: A New Front in the War on the Income Tax, in TAX
STORIES (Foundation Press, 2d ed. 2009). SSRN WorldCat
- Paul L. Caron, Tax Archaeology, in TAX STORIES (Foundation Press, 2d ed. 2009). SSRNWorldCat
- Paul L. Caron, Teaching with Technology in the 21st Century Law School Classroom,
- Paul L. Caron, TaxProf: A Virtual Tax Community, in TEACHING THE LAW SCHOOL CURRICULUM
(Steven Friedland & Gerald Hess ed., Carolina Academic Press 2004). WorldCat
- Paul L. Caron, Teaching Tax Through Stories, in TEACHING THE LAW SCHOOL CURRICULUM
(Steven Friedland & Gerald Hess ed., Carolina Academic Press 2004). WorldCat
- Paul L. Caron, The TaxProf Exam Bank: Practical Help for the Tax Professor, in TEACHING
THE LAW SCHOOL CURRICULUM (Steven Friedland & Gerald Hess ed., Carolina Academic Press
2004). WorldCat