Prof. Mark S. Scarberry's Academic Home Page
Remedies Review audio files: file 1, file 2
Courses for 2011-13: Constitutional Law, Creditors' Rights & Bankruptcy, Business Reorganization in Bankruptcy, Remedies, Arbitration Law.
Click on this link for supplemental materials pertaining to Scarberry, Klee, Newton & Nickles, BUSINESS REORGANIZATION IN BANKRUPTCY: CASES AND MATERIALS (Thomson/West, 4th ed., 2012).
Selected activities:
Chair, AALS Section on Constitutional Law (for 2012).
Moderator, Conlawprof discussion list.
Advisory Board, American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review.
Faculty Advisor, Journal of Business, Entrepreneurship and the Law (Pepperdine).
Law School Representative, Pepperdine University Faculty Council.