Douglas W. Kmiec
Ambassador Kmiec practiced law with a well-respected Chicago law firm; began his teaching career at Valparaiso University; was awarded tenure and named director of the Center for Law and Government as the University of Notre Dame, where he taught for close to two decades and founded the Journal of Law and Ethics in Public Policy. He served as Dean and St. Thomas More Prof. at The Catholic University of America in Washington D.C.; and has been associated with Pepperdine, with breaks for government service, since 1995, when he came as a Straus Distinguished Visiting Scholar.
Beyond the university setting, Ambassador Kmiec served Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush during 1985-89 as Assistant and Deputy Assistant US Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice. He was nominated for foreign service to the Republic of Malta by President Barack Obama and served as chief of mission from 2009 to 2011. He was confirmed for both positions without dissenting vote in the U.S. Senate.
Highly respected in the Republic of Malta, the Ambassador was instrumental in the resettlement of close to eight hundred individual migrants and families seeking freedom from the violence and deprivation pervasive in sub-Saharan Africa. When an uprising required Embassy- Tripoli to close and its personnel to be evacuated, Ambassador Kmiec deployed a rented catamaran to return several hundred American citizens and other foreign nationals to safety.
A wide-ranging writer and engaging speaker, Ambassador Kmiec has appeared on national news programs such as Meet the Press and the Newshour and had a syndicated column for the Catholic News Service, and wrote a regular column in the Chicago Tribune. He still writes regularly for the Huffington Post.
Ambassador Kmiec is the co-editor of three casebooks on the United States Constitution as well as a two-volume treatise on land use. He has authored: an account of his service in the Department of Justice, The Atty. Gen's Lawyer (1992); the challenges of life and death during his ambassadorship, Lift Up Your Hearts (2012), and a popular book which had an electoral impact on the election of Barack Obama, Can a Catholic Support Him? (2008). A knowledgeable and scholarly Catholic voice in America, he has worked to promote interreligious understanding and civility. Recently the Oxford University published his thoughts on Secularism, Catholicism and the Future of Public Life, wherein Amb. Kmiec's work on religious freedom is examined by "an international cast of experts from a range of fields, including legal theory, international relations, journalism, religion, and social science." His first book, Cease-fire on the Family (1984) highlights the family as the cure for cultural malady.
A White House Fellow (1982-83), Professor Kmiec is one of a few individuals who has received the Distinguished Service Award from two cabinet departments-the Department of Justice and Housing and Urban Development. He was awarded the Edmund J. Randolph Award by the attorney general. He was honored as a 40th anniversary Fulbright distinguished scholar, and lectured in Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur.
Ambassador Kmiec is a member of the bar of the US Supreme Court, a number of federal appellate courts, the Court of International Trade and the state bars of Illinois and California.
- J.D., University of Southern California, 1976
- B.A., Northwestern University, 1973, with honors
- Douglas W. Kmiec & Katherine Kmiec Turner, ZONING AND PLANNING DESKBOOK, 2015-2016 EDITION (Thomson Reuters 2015)
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Stephen B. Presser & John C. Eastman, THE HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY, AND STRUCTURE OF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION (LexisNexis, 4th ed. 2014) WorldCat
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Stephen B. Presser & John C. Eastman, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS AND THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION (LexisNexis, 4th ed. 2014) WorldCat
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Stephen B. Presser & John C. Eastman, THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL ORDER: HISTORY, CASES, AND PHILOSOPHY (LexisNexis, 4th ed. 2014) WorldCat
- Douglas W. Kmiec & Katherine Kmiec Turner, ZONING AND PLANNING DESKBOOK (West, 2d ed. 2013)
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Edward M. Gaffney, Jr., M.D., & J. Patrick Whelan, AMERICA UNDECIDED: CATHOLIC, INDEPENDENT & SOCIAL JUSTICE PERSPECTIVES ON ELECTION 2012 (2012) WorldCat
- Douglas W. Kmiec, LIFT UP YOUR HEARTS (2012) WorldCat
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Stephen B. Presser, John C. Eastman & Raymond B. Marcin, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS AND THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION (LexisNexis, 3d ed. 2009 & 2011 Supp.) WorldCat
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Stephen B. Presser, John C. Eastman & Raymond B. Marcin, THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL ORDER (LexisNexis 3d edition 2009 & 2011 Supp.) WorldCat
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Stephen B. Presser, John C. Eastman & Raymond B. Marcin, THE HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY AND STRUCTURE OF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION (LexisNexis, 3d ed. 2009 & 2011 Supp.) WorldCat
- Douglas W. Kmiec et al., THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL ORDER: HISTORY, CASES, AND PHILOSOPHY (LexisNexis, 2d edition 2004 & 2007 Supp.) WorldCat
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Stephen B. Presser & John C. Eastman, THE HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY AND STRUCTURE OF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION (LexisNexis, 2d edition 2004 & 2007 Supp.) WorldCat
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Stephen B. Presser & John C. Eastman, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS AND THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION (LexisNexis, 2d edition 2004 & 2006 Supp.) WorldCat
- Douglas W. Kmiec, ZONING AND PLANNING DESKBOOK (West, 2d ed., 2001- 2006 Supp.)
- Douglas W. Kmiec & Stephen B. Presser, THE HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY AND STRUCTURE OF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION (Anderson Pub. Co. 1998)
- Douglas W. Kmiec & Steven B. Presser, AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL ORDER: HISTORY, CASES, AND PHILOSOPHY (Anderson Pub. Co. 1998 & 2000-01 Supp.) WorldCat
- Douglas W. Kmiec & Stephen B. Presser, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS AND THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION (Anderson Pub. Co. 1998)
- Douglas W. Kmiec, CEASE-FIRE ON THE FAMILY & THE END OF THE CULTURE WAR (Crisis Books 1995) WorldCat
Douglas W. Kmiec, ZONING AND PLANNING DESKBOOK (West 1986)
Book Chapters
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Same-Sex Marriage and the Coming Anti-Discrimination Campaigns Against Religion, in SAME-SEX MARRIAGE AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY: EMERGING CONFLICTS (Douglas Laycock, Anthony R. Picarello & Robin Fretwell Wilson eds., Rowman & Littlefield Pub. 2008) WorldCat
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Marriage and Family, in NEVER A MATTER OF INDIFFERENCE: SUSTAINING VIRTUE IN A FREE REPUBLIC (Peter Berkowitz ed., Hoover Institution Press 2003) WorldCat
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Expanding Executive Power, in THE RULE OF LAW IN THE WAKE OF CLINTON (Roger Pilon ed., Cato Press 2000) WorldCat
- Douglas W. Kmiec, A Reverent Reflection of the Splendid Scholarship of Martin Redish - Does Reexamining Commercial Speech Shed Light on the Regrettable Reliance Upon Lie & Insult in Political Campaigns?, 25 WM. & MARY BILL RTS. J. 921 (2017) HeinOnline
- Richard B. Cheney, Edwin Meese III, & Douglas W. Kmiec, The Vice President - More Than an Afterthought?, 44 PEPP. L. REV. 535 (2017) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Failure to Act and the Separation of Powers - The Vice Presidency and the Need to Surmount Divided Power in Pursuit of a Workable Government, 44 PEPP. L. REV. 477 (2017) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Engaging Human Nature in Support of Judicial Engagement, 19 GEO. MASON L. REV. 989 (2012) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Is Diplomacy in Libya Delusional?, CHI. TRIB., Sept. 1, 2011
- Douglas W. Kmiec, My Three Fathers
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Unlike Paul, Obama Has Yet to Shipwreck in Malta--Maybe He Should, THE MALTA INDEPENDENT, Feb. 10, 2010
- Douglas W. Kmiec, What Malta Could Teach Obama, TIMES OF MALTA, Feb. 28, 2010
- Douglas W. Kmiec, My Father's Dreams, AMERICA, June 21, 2010
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Healthcare As a Human Right, TIMES OF MALTA, Mar. 26, 2010
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Haiti's Need is Staggering in Euros, Even Greater in Persons, THE MALTA INDEPENDENT, Mar. 31, 2010
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Qualities of a Judicial Appointment, TIMES OF MALTA, Apr. 23, 2010
- Douglas W. Kmiec, What Does Neutrality Mean?, TIMES OF MALTA, Jan. 3, 2010
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Copenhagen Accord: An Important Step Forward, (Dec. 2009)
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Malta and the Middle East, THE MALTA INDEPENDENT, Oct. 11, 2009
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Honorable Clarence Thomas, Kenneth W. Starr, Shelley Saxer & Charles R. Eskridge, The Second Annual William French Smith Memorial Lecture: A Conversation with Justice Clarence Thomas, 37 PEPP. L. REV. 7 (2009) (symposium issue) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Honorable Samuel A. Alito, Jr., The Honorable Michael W. McConnell, Kenneth W. Starr & Walter E. Dellinger III, The Second Conversation with Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr.: Lawyering and the Craft of Judicial Opinion Writing, 37 PEPP. L. REV. 33 (2009) (symposium issue) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The US Will Meet the Climate Challenge--in Copenhagen and Beyond, THE MALTA INDEPENDENT, Dec. 13, 2009
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Environment Among Friends: President Obama and Ambassador Kmiec Ask Malta to Join New International Accord on Climate Change, TIMES OF MALTA, Oct. 2, 2009
- Douglas W. Kmiec & Shelley Ross Saxer, Equality in Substance and in Name, S.F. CHRON., Mar. 2, 2009
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Nondiscrimination or Deregulation: A U.S.-E.U. Comparison, 12 TEX. REV. L. & POL. 405 (2008) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, A Prayer from Barack Obama: That Americans Will Respect the Faith of Many for the Good of Us All, LEGAL TIMES, Mar. 3, 2008, at 44
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Standing Still -- Did the Roberts Court Narrow, But Not Overrule, Flast to Allow Time to Re-Think Establishment Clause Jurisprudence?, 35 PEPP. L. REV. 509 (2008) (symposium issue) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec & Mary Ann Glendon, The Best Kind of Justices: While the Roberts Court Deserves High Marks this Term, the 2008 Election Still Matters, LEGAL TIMES, July 2, 2007, at 54
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Silent Shrug - Corporations Still Don't Know How to Deal with Working Women Who Just Might Want to Raise a Family, FORBES, July 2, 2007, at 36
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Abortion Decision, nationally syndicated essay, May 2007
- Douglas W. Kmiec, On the Senate Grill, Gonzales Defiant: Time to Move On - Senate, Not Prosecutor, L.A. DAILY J., Apr. 20, 2007, at 1
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Standing to Sue? No: Supreme Court Weighs Taxpayer Challenges Under the Establishment Clause, LEGAL TIMES, Mar. 5, 2007, at 59
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Our Dollars at War: Congress Can Use the Spending Power to Fix Our Course in Iraq, LEGAL TIMES, Jan. 22, 2007, at 68
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Introduction to the 2006 Templeton Lecture: Hitting Home--The Supreme Court Earns Public Notice Opining on Public Use, 9 U. PA. J. CONST. L. 501 (2007) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, An Attorney General Who Says No: Let's Hope That Michael Mukasey Will Disagree When Bush or Congress Goes Wrong, LEGAL TIMES, Oct. 22, 2007, at 62
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Natural Law Originalism for the Twenty-First Century - A Principle of Judicial Restraint, Not Invention, 40 SUFFOLK U. L. REV. 383 (2007) SSRNHeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Immigration Reform - A Matter of Faith and Reason, nationally syndicated essay, July 2007
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Of Judicial Methods and Judicial Integrity: Has Originalism Struck Out?, 2007-2008 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 386 (2007-2008) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Mother Teresa and Her Crisis of Faith, nationally syndicated essay, Sept. 2007
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Navigating End-of-Life Decisions - The Ethical Dilemma of Nutrition and Hydration, nationally syndicated essay, Sept. 2007
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Why the 2008 Candidate Should Meet the Human Person, nationally syndicated essay, July 27, 2007
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Overview of the Term: The Rule of Law & Roberts's Revolution of Restraint, 34 PEPP. L. REV. 495 (2007) (symposium issue) SSRNHeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Separation of Powers: Hamdan v. Rumsfeld - The Anti-Roberts, 34 PEPP. L. REV. 573 (2007) (symposium issue) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Aggressive Interrogation and the Denial of the Human Person, nationally syndicated essay, Oct. 2007
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Precedent Rules in the Roberts Court, CAL. LAW., Sept. 2007, at 15
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Law School Accreditation: Responsible Regulations or Barrier to Entry?, 11 TEX. REV. L. & POL. 377 (2007) SSRNHeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Our Enemies Aren't Soldiers, LEGAL TIMES, Sept. 11, 2006, at 67
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Unanimously Pretty Good (US Supreme Court's 2006 term under Chief Justice John Roberts), CAL. LAW., Aug. 2006, at 19
- Douglas W. Kmiec, With Reservations: Despite ABA Report on Signing Statements, the President Should Not Enforce an Invalid Law, LEGAL TIMES, July 31, 2006, at 58
- Douglas W. Kmiec, America, the Cross and Religious Expression, TIDINGS MAG., Jul. 21, 2006
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Who Rules the High Court?; In Kennedy's Swing Vote vs. Roberts' Consensus-Building, the Chief Justice Holds Sway, L.A. TIMES, Jul 8, 2006, at B15
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Suicides Change Nothing, USA TODAY, Jun. 13, 2006, at 12A
- Douglas W. Kmiec, United Against Al Qaeda, LEGAL TIMES, March 13, 2006, at 54
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Two Scholars View the Hearing: Judge True to His Record Amid Democratic Potshots at Hearing (U.S. Supreme Court Judicial Candidate Samuel A. Alito Jr.), L.A. DAILY J., Jan. 12, 2006, at 1
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Young Mr. Rehnquist's Theory of Moral Rights - Mostly Observed, 58 STAN. L. REV. 1827 (2006) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Observing the Separation of Powers: The President's War Power Necessarily Remains "The Power to Wage War Successfully", 53 DRAKE L. REV. 851 (2005) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Eloquence, Erudition of Nominee Make Listening to Him a Pleasure, L.A. DAILY J., Sept. 15, 2005, at 1
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Abandoning Common Sense, The Supremes, CAL. LAW., Sept. 2005, at 21
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Adjourn Hearing - Approve Him Immediately, L.A. DAILY J., Sept. 14, 2005, at 1
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Procreative Argument for Proscribing Same-Sex Marriage, 32 HASTINGS CONST. L.Q. 653 (2005) SSRNHeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Human Nature of Freedom and Identity--We Hold More Than Random Thoughts, 29 HARV. J.L. & PUB. POL'Y 33 (2005) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Civil Liberties and Civility--The Chief Justice's Rookie Year, 2005-2006 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 445 (2005-2006) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Enumerated Powers and Unenumerated Rights; Gonzales v. Raich: Wickard v. Filburn Displaced, 2004-2005 CATO SUP. CT. REV. 71 (2005)
- Douglas W. Kmiec, How to Replace O'Connor: Tough Cases Ahead Call for a Justice Who's No Activist But Won't Invite Nuclear War, LEGAL TIMES, July 11, 2005, at 54
- Douglas W. Kmiec & Katherine Kmiec Turner, Property Lost: The Takings Clause in the 2004 Term, 2004-2005 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 471 (2004-2005) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec & Katherine Kmiec Turner, Is Private Economic Development Condemnation an Abuse of the "Despotic Power", 2004-2005 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 274 (2004-2005) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Supreme Court's War Term, CAL. LAW., Sept. 2004, at 16
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Introduction: On the Life and Work of Justice Byron R. White, 52 CATH. U. L. REV. 877 (2003) (symposium issue) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The First Amendment in Wartime, 2003-2004 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 491 (2003-2004) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, What Rights Are Owed "Enemy Combatants" in America's War on Terror?, 2003-2004 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 397 (2003-2004) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Is a State's Refusal to Fund Religiously Based Higher Education Neutral ... Or Hostile?, 2003-2004 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 130 (2003-2004) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Oh God! Can I Say That in Public?, 17 NOTRE DAME J.L. ETHICS & PUB. POL'Y 307 (2003) (symposium issue) SSRNHeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec & Elliot Mincberg, Debate: The Role of the Senate in Judicial Confirmations, 7 TEX. REV. L. & POL. 235 (2003) SSRNHeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Supreme Court in Times of Hot and Cold War: Learning from the Sounds of Silence for a War on Terrorism, 28 J. SUP. CT HISTORY 270 (2003)
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Credit Act Changes Don't Add Up: Unlawful Takings Issues in Proposed Amendments Could Cause Substantial Liability for America, L.A. DAILY J., Oct. 16, 2003, at 6
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Retreating, not Retiring (US Supreme Court Justices), CAL. LAW., Sept. 2003, at 15
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Antonin Scalia and His Critics: An Exchange on the Church, the Courts, and the Death Penalty, FIRST THINGS, Oct. 2002, at 8
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Ashcroft Attacks Miss True Threat to Our Liberty, LEGAL TIMES, Sept. 9, 2002, at 51
- Douglas W. Kmiec, U.S. Supreme Court Wrap-up (Supreme Court's term of 2001-2002), CAL. LAW., Sept. 2002, at 17
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Finally - School Vouchers, CAL. LAW., Mar. 2002, at 15
- Douglas W. Kmiec & Jesse H. Choper, Choose Your School (financing for church schools), LEGAL TIMES, Feb. 11, 2002, at 42
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Confusing Freedom with License - Licenses Terrorism, Not Freedom, THE RESPONSIVE COMMUNITY, Winter 2001/02, at 56
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Rediscovering a Principled Commerce Power, 28 PEPP. L. REV. 547 (2001) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Professor Douglas W. Kmiec's Response (to Laurence Tribe, Disentangling Symmetries), 28 PEPP. L. REV. 667 (2001) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Our Unchanged Convictions; Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Good Over Evil, LEGAL TIMES, Dec. 24, 2001, at 51
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Good News for Religion (Good News Club v. Milford Central School; State Aid to Religious Schools), CAL. LAW., May 2001, at 25
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Clearing the Air (Clean Air Act Cases in Supreme Court), CAL. LAW., Feb. 2001, at 25
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Faith-based Dean; The New Head of Catholic's Law School Discusses His Unique Mission, LEGAL TIMES, Sept. 3, 2001, at 31
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Term in Review (U.S. Supreme Court's 2000-2001 term), CAL. LAW., Sept. 2001, at 23
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Are Post-Enactment Purchasers of Regulated Land Without Remedy for Regulatory Takings?, 2000-2001 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 244 (2000-2001) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Many Faces of Equal Treatment, 2000-2001 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 428 (2000-2001) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Can a Religious Viewpoint Be Distinguished from Religious Worship?, 2000-2001 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 228 (2000-2001) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Nondelegation Doctrine Lives-Or Does It?, 2000-2001 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 96 (2000-2001) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Supreme Court 2000: A Symposium, FIRST THINGS, Oct. 2000, at 30
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Hitting the Highlights (U.S. Supreme Court 2000 Term), CAL. LAW., Sept. 2000, at 35
- Douglas W. Kmiec, U.S. Supreme Court Undermines Parental Rights in Troxel (Troxel v. Granville), L.A. DAILY J., June 29, 2000, at 6
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Voluntariness is the Touchstone for Admitting Evidence, L.A. DAILY J., Jan. 10, 2000, at 6
- Douglas W. Kmiec, El Concepto de Matrimonio en el Derecho Canonico y la Experiencia Norteamericana Actual, 39 IUS CANONICUM 123 (1999)
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The 'Substantially Advance' Quandary: How Closely Should Courts Examine the Regulatory Means and Ends of Legislative Applications?, 22 ZONING & PLAN. L. REP. 97 (Dec. 1999)
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Is the Violence Against Women Act a Valid Exercise of Congressional Power?, 1999-2000 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 210 (1999-2000) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Court's Extraordinary Review of Association, Speech, and Religion Rights, 1999-2000 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 428 (1999-2000) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Does Nebraska's Ban on Partial-Birth Abortion Place an Undue Burden on the Right to an Abortion?, 1999-2000 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 381 (1999-2000) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, May States Express Their Moral Standards by Choosing the Nations With Which They Trade?, 1999-2000 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 298 (1999-2000) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Free Speech, Religion, and the Gridiron: The Supreme Court Tackles School Prayer, 1999-2000 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 324 (1999-2000) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Does Sovereign Immunity Bar the Bringing of Private ADEA Suits Against the States?, 1999-2000 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 13 (1999-2000) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Did the FDA Validly Determine That Tobacco Products Are Drug Delivery Devices Within the Meaning of the FDCA?, 1999-2000 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 151 (1999) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Does the Establishment Clause Require "Exclusion" or "Nondiscrimination" in the Public Provision of Instructional Materials to Religious Schools?, 1999-2000 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 158 (1999) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, State Sovereignty versus the Supremacy Clause: State Courts and the Federal Cause of Action, 1998-1999 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 358 (1998-99) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Beauty and the Eye of the Funder: Decency Conditions and Artistic Expression, 1997-1998 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 382 (1997-98) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Statistical Sampling and the Census-- You Can Count on Me, But Will You?, 1998-1999 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 112 (1998-1999) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Is the Jury In or Out in Deciding Regulatory-Takings Cases?, 1998-1999 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 42 (1998-1999) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, "To Be or Not to Be": Will the Supreme Court Prescribe Assisted Suicide?, 1996-1997 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 243 (1996-97) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Who Bosses the Sheriff? The Federal Government and the States Duel Over Gun Control, 1996-1997 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 151 (1996-97) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Public Educational Services in Religious Schools: Does the Establishment Clause Require Separation or Neutrality?, 1996-1997 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 441 (1996-97) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Enhanced Religious Liberty or Congressional Usurpation: Is the Religious Freedom Restoration Act Constitutional?, 1996-1997 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 323 (1996-97) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Sex and the Single-Sex School: Are Gender Classifications Now Inherently Suspect?, 1995-1996 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 160 (1995-1996) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, "Beating Sense" into Federal Sentencing -- The Aftermath of the Rodney King Case, 1995-1996 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 196 (1995-1996) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Group Homes -- Is Single-Family Zoning Discrimination Against The Handicapped?, 1994-1995 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 254 (1994-1995) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Free Speech or Established Religion -- The Private Display of Religious Symbols in a Public Forum, 1994-1995 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 331 (1994-95) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Permit Conditions and the Takings Clause: Did the Supreme Court Mean What It Said in the Nollan Case?, 1993-1994 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 225 (1994) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Rethinking Federal Race-Conscious Preferences -- Are They Still Benign?, 1994-1995 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 183 (1994-1995) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Abortion Debate Continues: Free Speech Meets Free Access, 1993-1994 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 277 (1993-1994) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Free Speech vs. Economic Competition: The Constitutionality of the 1992 Cable TV Act, 1993-1994 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 121 (1993-1994) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, How Closely Should Federal Courts Review the Economic Regulation of Cable Television?, 1992-1993 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 344 (1993) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Must the Government Refuse to Provide Sign-language Interpreters to Students in Religious Schools?, 1992-1993 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 220 (1993) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Free Exercise of Religion and Animal Sacrifice: Will the Supreme Court Abandon Smith?, 1992-1993 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 75 (1992) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Of Newsracks and the First Amendment: The Constitutional Protection of Commercial Speech, 1992-1993 PREVIEW U.S. SUP. CT. CAS. 80 (1992) HeinOnline
Book Reviews
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Yoo's Labour's Lost: Jack Goldsmith's Nine-Month Saga in the Office of Legal Counsel, 31 HARV. J.L. & PUB. POL'Y 795 (2008) (book review) HeinOnline
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Interpreting the Bible and the Constitution, 55 CHRISTIANITY & LITERATURE 130 (2005) (book review)
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Property and Economic Liberty as Civil Rights: The Magisterial History of James W. Ely, Jr., 52 VAND. L. REV. 737 (1999) (book review) HeinOnline
Popular Press
- Douglas W. Kmiec, The Court and the President: Does the Travel Ban Win Suggest Reconciliation?, THE HILL, Dec. 5, 2017
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Speaker, Address on Interfaith Diplomacy and Understanding of Abrahamic Tradition, American Jewish University (Feb. 2013)
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Participated with the outgoing ambassador of the Holy See to speculate on foreign diplomacy, as well as the election of the new pope, at the California Club in February, University of Southern California Institute for Advanced Catholics Studies (Feb. 2013)
- Douglas W. Kmiec & Barry P. McDonald, Putting Law over Politics on Supreme Court, POLITICO, July 10, 2012
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Secularism Crucified (to be presented as a university-wide lecture at USC, September 13, 2011), 2011
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Successfully completed a $125 million new embassy compound, 2011
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Secured the ratification of the double taxation agreement, 2011
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Entered into a comprehensive agreement allowing for the better inspection of cargo at the Freeport reducing the risk of the transfer of weapons-grade uranium, 2011
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Established a framework for the better detection of human trafficking, 2011
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Obtained state-of-the art screening equipment and training to upgrade airport security, 2011
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Brought American film actor Martin Sheen to Malta for the first film premier in over three decades as part of an inspired and highly successful fundraiser for the John XXIII Peace Lab, 2011
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Innovatively engaged a ferry service to rescue several hundred evacuees, including virtually all of the U.S. embassy personnel in Embassy-Tripoli, as well as citizens of a wide range of third countries: such as Malta, Canada, and Australia, 2011
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Speaker, International Meeting in Support of Israeli-Palestinian Peace, 2010
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Campus FM Interview with Ambassador Douglas Kmiec, 2010
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Alan C. Bonnici, Stars and Stripes Malta, interviews Ambassador Kmiec, 2010
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Interview with the Malta Independent: "Faith as a Necessary Part of International Diplomacy", 2009
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Campus FM Interview with Ambassador Douglas Kmiec, 2009
- Douglas W. Kmiec, Radio Malta Interview with Ambassador Kmiec, 2009
- Douglas W. Kmiec, "Interfaith and the Educational Curriculum," presentation to the American Association of School Administrators, 2009
- Constitutional Law
- Jurisprudence
- Law and Morality