David Talbot joined the World Bank Group as Ombudsman in September 2011 from the Coca-Cola Company and Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc., where he served as Ombudsman since 2003 for over 65,000 employees. David has 23 years of experience in conflict resolution as a mediator, trainer, program manager, adjunct professor and ombudsman. Prior to his work at Coca-Cola, David was Director of Community Mediation Services, in Vancouver, Washington, and for the California Academy of Mediation Professionals, in Los Angeles, California. David has been involved in the development of the Ombudsman profession through his service on the International Ombudsman Association (IOA), Board of Directors, and through his membership on the IOA Professional Development Committee, Legal and Legislative Affairs Committee, Professional Ethics, Standards of Practice and Best Practices Committee, and as Coordinator for the IOA developmental courses. David has been an adjunct professor with the Straus Institute for the past 12 years.