Professor Babette Boliek joined the Pepperdine faculty in 2009 and conducts research
in the fields of antitrust law, telecommunications, privacy law, and sports law. As
an expert in the fields of economics, antitrust law, and communications law, Professor
Boliek was selected and served as the Chief Economist of the Federal Communications
Commission from 2018 to 2019, and as the Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Economic
Analysis, Department of Justice, Antitrust Division in 2020 and 2021. Her research
is published in academic journals and law reviews such as Boston College Law Review,
Cornell Law Review, Fordham Law Review, Hastings Law Journal, and the Review of Industrial
Organization. Professor Boliek earned her BA with distinction from California State
University, Chico, her JD from Columbia University School of Law, and her PhD in Economics
from the University of California, Davis. While at Columbia, she was both a Harlan
Fiske Stone Scholar and a John M. Olin Fellow for Law and Economics. Her doctoral,
and much of her subsequent research, has focused on the theoretical and quantitative
analysis of legal issues in the U.S. communications industry.
Professor Boliek is an award-winning teacher at Pepperdine and is a Visiting Professor
at the University of California, Los Angeles. Professor Boliek has also served as
a Visiting Scholar for the American Enterprise Institute, a Senior Fellow at the Information
Economy Project at George Mason University School of Law, and a Fellow for the Center
for Communication Law and Policy, a joint research venture of the University of Southern
California, Gould School of Law and the Annenberg School of Communication. Professor
Boliek clerked for the Honorable Michael B. Mukasey of the U.S. District Court for
the Southern District of New York and is admitted to practice law in the State of
New York.
Ph.D., University of California, Davis
J.D., Columbia University
B.A., California State University, Chico
- Babette E. Boliek, The States and Antitrust Law, 7 Journal of Law and Innovation 134
(2024) SSRN
- Babette E. Boliek, Antitrust and High-Tech: A Tale of Two Mergers, 71 EMORY L.J. 933
(2022) SSRN HeinOnline
- Babette E. Boliek, Upgrading Unconscionability: A Common Law Ally for a Digital World,
81 MD. L. REV. 46 (2021) SSRN
- Babette Boliek, Economics at the FCC 2018-19: Competition, Broadband Deployment, and
Transaction Review, Review of Industrial Organization, edited by Lawrence White, Oxford
(2019) (with K. Makuch, C. Matraves, and A. Yankelevich) (solicited) SSRN
- Babette E.L. Boliek, Populist Antitrust and the 1927 Radio Act, Review of Industrial
Organization, edited by Thomas W. Hazlett, Oxford (2018) (solicited) SSRN
- Babette E.L. Boliek, Prioritizing Privacy in the Courts and Beyond, 103 CORNELL L.
REV. 1101 (2018) SSRNHeinOnline
- Babette E.L. Boliek, The Potential Reach of O'Bannon v. NCAA, 5 MISS. SPORTS. L. REV.
28 (2016) SSRNHeinOnline
- Babette E.L. Boliek, The FCC's Evidentiary Problem, 12 I/S: J. L. & POL'Y FOR INFO SOC'Y 45 (2015) SSRN
- Babette E.L. Boliek, Antitrust, Regulation and the "New" Rules of Sports Telecasts,
65 HASTINGS L.J. 501 (2014) SSRNHeinOnline
- Babette E.L. Boliek, Agencies in Crises?: An Examination of State and Federal Agency
Emergency Powers, 81 FORDHAM L. REV. 3339 (2013) SSRNHeinOnline
- Babette E.L. Boliek, FCC Regulation Versus Antitrust: How Net Neutrality Is Defining
the Boundaries, 52 B.C. L. REV. 1627 (2011) SSRNHeinOnline
- Babette E.L. Boliek, Wireless Net Neutrality Regulation and the Problem with Pricing:
An Empirical, Cautionary Tale, 16 MICH. TELECOMM. TECH. L. REV. 1 (2009) SSRNHeinOnline
Book Chapters
- Babette E.L. Boliek, The Economics of the Internet, in THE CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK OF ANTITRUST,
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, AND HIGH TECH (Roger D. Blair and D. Daniel Sokol eds., Cambridge
University Press, 2017) WorldCat
- Babette E.L. Boliek, Panelist, Mega Mergers and Populist Antitrust, USC Marshall School
of Business (Feb. 2019)
- Babette E.L. Boliek, Panelist, Internet Platforms and Competition Policy, Silicon
Flatirons Annual Conference at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO (Feb.
- Babette E.L. Boliek, Panelist, Digital Democracy: The Threat and Promise of Technology
for Democratic Institutions, University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville,
VA (Jan. 2019)
- Babette E.L. Boliek, Panelist, Policy and Predictions in an Era of Rapid Technology
Change, Regulating Computing and Code Conference at Silicon Flatirons, University
of Colorado Law School, Boulder, CO (Feb. 2018)
- Babette E.L. Boliek, Roundtable Participant, First Amendment in the Administrative
State, Antonin Scalia Law School, Arlington, VA (Oct. 2017)
- Babette E.L. Boliek, Discussant, Broadband Competition Policy, Boston NCTA INTX Academic
Workshop, Boston, MA (May 2016)
- Babette E.L. Boliek, Presenter, Cyberspace Policy at Home and Abroad: The Agenda for
2016 and Beyond, AEI Conference, Washington, D.C. (Jan. 2016)
- Babette E.L. Boliek, Panelist, Future of Internet Regulation, The Ohio State University
Moritz School of Law, Columbus, OH (Mar. 2015)