Professor Taha's research focuses primarily on consumer and investor protection law.
He also writes on subjects ranging from religious taxes to baseball rules. Much of
his research reflects both his training in law and in economics in which he holds
a PhD. His research has been discussed in national media outlets, including the New
York Times and the Wall Street Journal.
Prior to joining the Pepperdine faculty, Professor Taha was a professor at Wake Forest
Law School, an attorney in the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice
in Washington, D.C., a litigation associate with Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
in Palo Alto, California, and a corporate finance analyst at McKinsey and Company
in New York. Professor Taha teaches Civil Procedure, Corporations, Federal Income
Taxation, and Accounting and Finance for Lawyers.
- J.D., Stanford Law School, 1996
- Ph.D., Stanford University, 1996
- B.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1988
- B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1988
Forthcoming Articles
- Ahmed E. Taha, George Clooney is Paid That Much? Regulating Celebrity Advertisements,
U.M.K.C. L. REV. (forthcoming 2024) SSRN
- Ahmed E. Taha, The Jurisprudence of Baseball: Rules Versus Standards, 59 GONZ. L.
REV. 257 (2024) SSRN HeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha, Michael J. Saks, Mark A. Hall & Ira M. Ellman, Improving Consumer Understanding
of Short-Term Health Insurance: An Experiment, 80 MED. CARE RESEARCH & REV. 496 (2023)
- Ahmed E. Taha, Reducing the Costs of Zakāt, 41 VA. TAX REV. 289 (2022) SSRN HeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha & John V. Petrocelli, Advertising Opinions, 56 TULSA L. REV. 77 (2020)
SSRN HeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha, Exploiting Pre-Existing Beliefs, 97 WASH. U. L. REV. 607 (2019) SSRN HeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha & Breagan Riley, Protecting Consumers Through Mandatory Disclosures:
An Experimental Investigation of Extended Warranties, 64 VILLANOVA L. REV. 285 (2019)
- Ahmed E. Taha & Sohaib Khan, Charity Disparity: The Challenge of Applying Religious
Law on Zakat in the United States, 14 NW J.L. & SOC. POL'Y 1 (2018) SSRN HeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha, Selling the Outlier, 41 J. CORP. L. 459 (2015) SSRN HeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha & Molly Mercer, Unintended Consequences: An Experimental Investigation
of the (In)effectiveness of Mandatory Disclosures, 55 SANTA CLARA L. REV. 405 (2015)
- Ahmed E. Taha & John Petrocelli, Disclosures about Disclosures: Can Conflict of Interest
Warnings Be Made More Effective?, 12 J. EMPIRICAL LEGAL STUDIES 236 (2015) SSRN HeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha & John Petrocelli, Sending Mixed Messages: Investor Interpretations
of Disclosures of Analyst Stock Ownership, 20 PSYCHOL. PUB. POL. & L. 26 (2014) SSRN
- Ahmed E. Taha & Alan Palmiter, Mutual Fund Performance Advertising: Inherently and
Materially Misleading?, 46 GEORGIA L. REV. 289 (2012) SSRNHeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha, Are College Athletes Economically Exploited?, 2 WAKE FOREST J. LAW
& POL'Y 69 (2012) SSRNHeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha, Molly Mercer & Alan R. Palmiter, Worthless Warnings? Testing the Effectiveness
of Disclaimers in Mutual Fund Advertisements, 7 J. EMPIRICAL LEGAL STUDIES 429 (2010)
- Ahmed E. Taha, Judge Shopping: Testing Whether Judges' Political Orientations Affect
Case Filings, 78 U. CIN. L. REV. 1007 (2010) SSRNHeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha & Alan R. Palmiter, Star Creation: The Incubation of Mutual Funds, 62
VAND. L. REV. 1485 (2009) SSRNHeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha & Alan R. Palmiter, Mutual Fund Investors: Divergent Profiles, 2008
COLUM. BUS. L. REV. 934 (2008) SSRNHeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha & Alan Palmiter, Mutual Fund Investors: Sharp Enough?, 24 J. FIN. TRANSFORMATION
113 (2008) HeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha, Controlling Conflicts of Interest: A Tale of Two Industries, 37 LOY.
U. CHI. L. J. 753 (2006) SSRNHeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha, Data and Selection Bias - A Case Study, 75 UMKC L. REV. 171 (2006)
- Ahmed E. Taha, How Panels Affect Judges: Empirical Evidence from U.S. District Courts,
39 U. RICH. L. REV. 1235 (2005) HeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha, Information and the Selection of Judges: A Comment on "A Tournament
of Judges", 32 FLA. ST. U. L. REV. 1401 (2005) HeinOnline
- Ahmed E. Taha, Information and the Selection of Judges, Jurist online symposium on
"The Judicial Confirmation Process" (2004)
- Ahmed E. Taha, Publish or Paris? Evidence of How Judges Allocate Their Time, 6 AM.
L & ECON. REV. 1 (2004) SSRN
- Ahmed E. Taha, The Equilibrium Effect of Legal Rule Changes: Are the Federal Sentencing
Guidelines Being Circumvented?, 21 INT'L REV. LAW. & ECON. 251 (2001)
Forthcoming Book Chapters
- Ahmed E. Taha, Ethics of Almsgiving (Zakāt) in Islam, in THE BLOOMSBURY HANDBOOK OF
ISLAMIC ETHICS (ed. Jafar Mahallati) (forthcoming 2024)
- Ahmed Taha, Paper discussed in article: How Clients React to Conflict-of-Interest
Disclosures, WALL ST. J., Sept. 20, 2015
- Ahmed Taha, Paper discussed in article: Immigration Ruling Shows Lawyers Playing Venue
Shopping Odds, ASSOC. PRESS, Mar. 8, 2015
- Ahmed Taha, Paper quoted in article: Do Investors Care About SEC Mandated Disclosures of Analyst Stock Ownership?, FORBES, Nov. 30, 2012
- Ahmed Taha, Quoted in article: Green Light for Hedge-Fund Ads Means Caution on Main Street, WALL. ST. J., April 17, 2012
- Ahmed Taha, How Selective Advertising By Mutual Funds Misleads Investors, FORBES, Dec. 8 , 2010
- Ahmed Taha, Luck Is the Key to Success for Most Top Mutual Funds, FORBES, June 23, 2010
- Ahmed Taha, Paper discussed in column: Using Past to Predict, N.Y. TIMES., May 15,
2010, at B4.
- Ahmed Taha, Paper quoted in article: When Ads Say Skill, Think Luck - Report: Performance Is Called Mostly Irrelevant, WALL ST. J., Apr. 22, 2010, at C19
- Ahmed Taha, Paper discussed in column: SEC Issues Worthless Warnings on Fund Performance Ads, FORBES, Apr. 16, 2010