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Pepperdine | Caruso School of Law
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Bernard James

Professor of Law
Caruso School of Law


Bernard James teaches courses in Civil Rights, Federalism, Individual Rights, Education Law, State Constitutional Law and Introduction to American Law. He joined the Pepperdine faculty in 1984 after serving in Michigan as a judicial clerk for the Honorable Judge Myron Wahls for the Court of Appeals.

Professor James is the author of the textbook Education POLICY AND THE LAW: CASES AND COMMENTARY (Vandeplas Publishing 2009, & 2nd ed. 2020). He serves as a consultant to the US Department of Justice where he co-authored SHARING INFORMATION: A GUIDE TO FERPA AND PARTICIPATION IN JUVENILE JUSTICE PROGRAMS (DOJ Programs 1997). He is the contributing editor to the NASRO Journal of School Safety.  The blog, School Safety Law Blog: News and Information for School Safety, compiles legislation, judicial decisions, and school policy reforms relating to school safety and student rights. 


  • J.D., University of Michigan, 1983
  • B.G.S., University of Michigan, 1977


Law Review Articles

Legal Updates

  • Bernard James, Legal Update: Qualified Immunity in Public Education, NASRO J. SCHOOL SAFETY, Summer 2021 NASRO


  • Constitutional Law
  • Education Law